Tuesday, February 1, 2011


So it’s 3 in the morning and I’m using this time to write, not having had a chance for the last week. Why 3am you ask? Why would a man with 2 toddlers not be sleeping at 3am when he knows he desperately needs that sleep? Because I am sick to death of evil lunatics forcing their way into political office rather than being arrested for treason or shuffled off to the mad house where they belong.

Yes, I refer to the “No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act”. There is a good article in Mother Jones about this if you need an update.


Among the more odious provisions of this ill conceived, poorly drafted, and vaguely defined act is a redefinition of rape! WHY would anyone wish to empower a rapist, you ask? Because if we can only redefine rape as something that is not a crime we can prevent women from having abortions! Bravo! And by that logic we could cure cancer by simply killing the patient, no more cancer, problem solved!

We currently have no federal (tax payer) funding for abortion, so any reasonably intelligent person made aware of this would probably ask why would we need a No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act now? The obvious answer is we don’t. This bill is only a political expedient. The people who proposed this bill know they cannot safely make any sort of direct challenge to Roe vs. Wade because if it were somehow over turned they would lose their political power base. This singular issue, the issue of abortion, consolidates and controls an otherwise disparate voting group who could not be unified by other means. Anti-choice politicians have to pretend like they’re doing something so they make these ill-conceived attacks as a show to their constituents that they’re going to deliver on their promise about fighting abortion. In my opinion, I don’t believe they want the bill to pass or they would have taken there time and done a better job on it. There will be greater political mileage for them if it doesn’t pass and they know this. When it doesn’t pass the anti-choice politicians can make other lame half- assed attempts and claim they’re still in the fight. Because the fight is all they have to offer. If the fight were ever over people might start paying attention to the fact that such individuals are dangerously ill equipped to govern and should never have been voted into office in the first place.

A little voice in the night just called to me to change a diaper. I went to her, changed that diaper, hugged her tight, gave her a kiss, managed to find her pacifier in the dark and put her back to bed. What sort of world will the irresponsibility of single issue voting offer her? When misogynistic people are placed in power, people who are willing to brutalize and endanger all our children with diminished rights, diminished protections under the law, we must ask the question: is our national interest served by this sort of unnecessary subterfuge? What is accomplished? Other than that the undeserving managed to gain power to line their pockets and the pockets of their wealthy masters. We as Americans and responsible voters cannot allow locale state or national elections to be viewed as a referendum on a single issue. The people we entrust with our power derived from our assent, our vote, will have a broad impact on our future beyond the limited scope of any single campaign issue. Depend upon it!

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