The language they use in this ad places the fetus in a victimized position with Romney as "protector." Beyond the manipulative, simple language, the imagery also suggests Romney is less menacing than Obama.
Simplifying abortion and women's health into a black-and-white choice does not give an honest portrayal of the candidates or the issues.
If re-elected, Pres. Obama will continue to protect women's health care and the right to choose. Vice Pres. Biden has also been a champion for women's health, standing firm with the belief that health care decisions should be made between a woman and her doctor only.

This ad, too, simplifies abortion, women's health and the election. It's manipulative like the 6th and Virginia ad, but instead of using language to victimize a fetus, it plays on people's religious beliefs.
I've blogged about religion and choice before and again, it's not fair to paint a black-and-white picture of women's health and the way government controls- or attempts to control- our bodies.
Americans support the right to choose in most cases while being simultaneously religious or spiritual. Furthermore, 2008 numbers show Catholic and Protestant women chose abortion more than women of other religions or no religion, and Hispanic women chose abortion less than white or black women.
Interestingly, recent numbers show Catholics are leaning Obama, while also putting the issue of abortion on the back burner.
State Rep. JoCasta Zamarripa (D-8) who represents Walkers Point talks about the importance of voting for women's health in the 2012 elections in this Planned Parenthood Advocates of Wisconsin video.