NARAL Pro-Choice Wisconsin is the political leader of the pro-choice movement in Wisconsin, and our mission is to develop and sustain a constituency that uses the political process to guarantee every woman the right to make personal decisions regarding the full range of reproductive choices, including preventing unintended pregnancy, bearing healthy children, and choosing legal abortion.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Book Review: The Girls Who Went Away
Sunday, March 6, 2011
What would it be like.
Seems no one has had much time to blog lately, as I’m sure we have all been preoccupied with the unprecedented attack on citizen’s rights here in Wisconsin.
We cannot allow ourselves to compartmentalize such attacks as unrelated. Stupak on steroids (HR3), Walker’s budget repair bill, Ohio’s Senate Bill 5 - one attack after another on America by conservative extremists. Using the economic crisis as an opportunity to further a political agenda, radical conservatives seek to extend their influence and power by imposing absurd, unnecessary, and extreme economic cruelties. None dare mention taxation of corporations and the rich, making them finally pay their fair share, to meet an economic crisis they created. Instead, we the common people are told we must again carry the burden of their debt. All the remedies proposed by these extremists accomplish nothing towards balancing budgets or mitigating the economic crisis. We are told we must be stripped of social programs that seek to improve conditions for the average American. Programs that reduce crime and poverty provide jobs and opportunity. We are told we must accept the devastation of public education. We are told we must sacrifice our most basic rights as citizens. Stripping this nation of all that is humane, decent and just will not improve our situation or moved us closer to economic recovery. So what is the real goal? The goal would seem to be the creation of an ignorant, easily controlled electorate economically contained by poverty without access to information other than official conservative propaganda.
Let us think for a moment and imagine what it would be like to NOT have this constant struggle with our own government simply to maintain our basic rights. What would it be like to be able to devote the time, energy, and money wasted countering such assaults, on dealing with the real issues that now demand our attention? Issues like our economic situation, the creation of sustaining employment for our people, improving public education and creating accessible higher education, the eradication of poverty and ignorance, developing sustainable lifestyles and protecting our environment.
By continually revisiting the same unnecessary power struggles the ignorant and greedy of our society are holding back the true potential of this nation. Holding back the evolution of our society towards the fulfillment of humanity’s great promise. The founding premise of our National Character: all our citizens enjoying social, political, and economic equality.
It must be clear even to the most disinterested observer that such attacks on the American people are part of a coordinated effort across the nation to further the consolidation of wealth and political power into the hands of an oligarchy of the privileged few. The painful imbecility of the conservative extremists, the absurdity of their wealthy masters’ flawed notions of humanity and government simply defy description. But it represents the most significant threat to our national security this country has ever faced.
It is time to work towards the passage of laws forbidding tampering with the function of democratic government by the wealthy and by corporate special interests. Forbidding the transmission of lies, innuendo and falsehood as news or campaign ads. We must halt, and reverse the consolidation of wealth and deny it a strangle hold on democracy.